Ukiah Transit Center
The survey is now closed. Thanks to all who participated!
April 17, 2023 - Mendocino Council of Governments (MCOG) and Mendocino Transit Authority (MTA) are in the process of planning a new transit center for MTA services for Ukiah and beyond. This would provide a modern facility in a central location for passengers to transfer between MTA and intercity bus services. But we need your input to help make this happen. See below for ways to be involved!
Please follow the links below to take our brief survey:
- English:
- Spanish:
Spread the word!
Ukiah Transit Center flyer_English(web).pdfUkiah Transit Center flyer_Espanol(web).pdf
Join us on April 21 at the Pear Tree Center bus stop between 12pm and 4pm and on April 22 between 10am and 12pm at Ukiah Farmers Market, located at Alex Thomas Plaza at School & Clay Streets.
Watch our brief virtual workshop!
Project documents will be posted here as available to view or download:
Technical Memorandum 1: Existing Conditions
Ukiah Transit Center TM1 Revised 4-5-2023.pdf